
Showing posts from May, 2014

Square Archive in the summer exhibition of Art Center Haihatus

Square Archive, parts 4-6 – Mediahits is a part of this summer’s group exhibition “Human” in Art Center Haihatus in Joutsa . Jemina Lindholm sewing the curtains that divide the gallery space. On the left of the picture sculpture by Jasmin Anouschik. Square Archive, parts 4-6 – Mediahits consists of three different soundscapes. The sounds were recorded in three different locations that gained media attention during spring and summer 2013. In spring 2013 horse meat was found somewhere it shouldn’t be found, the first petition in Finland against fur farms was declined and the waste water pond of Talvivaara mining company just didn’t seem to hold. The work can be heard in a dark gallery space. Pile of materials before the set up. Square Archive is an on going sound art project by Jemina Lindholm and Elina Ylhäisi that started on fall 2012. The previous parts of the archive have been heard for example in a sauna. In November 2014 Square Archive will be exhibited in Gallery Titanik in Tur...

Trojan Marketing

TAMK art/music/media 7th international week (May 06-09 / 2014) was already a week ago. One of the interesting workshop programs I attended was ‘ Trojan marketing ’ held by Birgit Kolb from International Center for New Media. I’ve heard of so-called trojan marketing every now and then, here and there, but I was always wondering what makes it so special. I’m grateful that I have attended this workshop because it helped me to fully understand the key point of ‘Trojan marketing’. Birgit Kolb explained ‘Trojan marketing’ with very good practical examples. After we’ve got the idea of trojan marketing, we got to form a group of 3-4 people and create our own trojan marketing in about 15-20 minutes and present it to others. I’m very grateful that I got to participate in the workshop. I didn’t expect to learn this much from 1 hour long workshop, but I did. Thank you Birgit Kolb for giving a lecture about ‘Trojan marketing’, and thank you TAMK Art and Media for giving us another ama...