Nordic Game 2014
...Was the best! Is that enough for you? No? Ok. It was absolutely thrilling to hear that we would get to attend The NordicGame Conference this year. I knew there was a lot of new and interesting stuff to be seen, but it was even better than I expected. We took the plane from Helsinki Vantaa to Copenhagen Kastrup and from there we continued by train across the puddle to Malmö, Sweden. Even though we missed the first day of lectures and workshops, we still were in time for the ”Indie Game Night”- party. The whole idea of the party was networking and voting for this years Nordic Indie Sensation! The selected nominees had booths where you could test the actual games and chat with the developers. The games seen in the party were: Among the Sleep , Chronology , Else(Heart.Break()) , Future Unfolding , Goat Simulator , Orbit , Savant – Ascent and Shiftlings . During the next two days there were spectacular speakers, but I'm only going to mention a few of my favourites here....