
Showing posts from November, 2014

Introduction to Photography course

Photo course critique session The very f irst Introduction to Photography course took place in the beginning of November 2014. This was the first photo course in the new Fine Art Study Path .  During the course, the students made three exercises: two portraits and a main task , which was A Sketch for an Art Work . In the end, we had a final critique session, where everybody present ed their work. - Antti Haapio 2014 -

Animation & Visual Design Workshop

Animation & Visual Design Workshop is a Media and Arts evening course, started on 10th September and will be continued until 19th December. We explore the visual world with different themes in this course. The course is separated into two parts. The first part of the course was 3D, Blender, classes held by Tuomo Joronen. It was a great opportunity to experience Blender once again. Tuomo provided walk through of using the nodes, sequence editor for combining and editing different scenes and adding sound to renders, etc.  And now Carita Forsgren took the lead and the topic has changed from creating blender animation to the animation connecting.  30sec gesture drawings The topic of the last class was gesture drawing. We drew our hands, other random objects we chose to draw without looking at the paper and it was very challenging as you can imagine. We also had 30 seconds quick gesture drawing challenges. Carita and each student took turns and posed for others.  Now I nee...

Fine Arts students Christmas sale in Mediapolis wed-thu 19.- 20.11 at 10-15

Fine Arts students Christmas sale in Mediapolis wed-thu 19.- 20.11 at 10-15 Ikuinen Gallerys traditional Christmas sale is arranged in an untraditional way this year. The most notable change is the new address. The gallery has moved from TAMKs department of Media and Fine Arts in Finlayson to Tohloppi. The gallery has no space of its own anymore, so the sale will be held in pop-up spirit in the TAMK lobby (to the right from the front doors). Not all traditions have been shelved: the sale products are as magnificent as always: art, cards, handicrafts etc. You are warmly welcome to explore and make purchases for both yourself and Santa Clause. Ps. Unfortunately we don't take “plastic money” , so please remember to bring cash with you. Ikuinen Gallery Mediapolis Tohlopinranta 31 33270 Tampere Ikuinen gallery is a contemporary art project space located in Tampere. The gallery is run by a board of fine art students in Tampere UAS School of Art and Media as part of their study p...

MindTrek 2014

MindTrek is slowly (or quickly, depending on how much fun you're having) getting to its end, now. Ted Selker from MIT Media Lab starts his keynote on New Technology Business Creation. Earlier, many of our students participated in the workshop by Lance Weiler , on interactive & participatory storytelling. There were many fun moments there, when we shaped crime stories based on Weiler's new project called Sherlock Holmes & the Internet of Things . Lance Weiler's workshop Lance Weiler's workshop Also Philip David Harvey's workshop on Data Landscaping made us think about data acquisition in new ways, and Jonathan MacDonald 's keynote speech on why established companies often fail to see changes happening around them got both positive and critical comments. The new Hotel Torni is a really nice location for MindTrek, with its spacious yet not daunting conference halls. I couldn't take part in the MindTrek party on Tuesday evening, but I did hear it had ...


What: Art event;opening evening, videowork at MediaBox, Forum Box, Helsinki Who: Fanni Niemi-Junkola Where: Forum Box, Ruoholahdenranta 1, Helsinki When: 2.10.2014 03.10.2014 - 26.10.2014  Koulutie / Way to School (2014) Fanni Niemi-Junkola | FINLAND |3.08 mins loop | 2014 3.10.2014 - 26.10.2014 Video installation 3.08 min loop of 30 mins Music: Es, comp., adapt. Sami Sänpäkkilä, Fonal Records Cinematographer: Turkka Tervonen Editor: Ville Hakonen, Wacky Tie Films Actor: Juha Niemi-Junkola Production: Fanni Niemi-Junkola Funders: AVEK The Promotion Centre for AV Culture, TAIKE Arts Promotion Centre of Finland, City of Tampere A young school boy is running away. The camera focuses on the person and the images are slowed down. Niemi-Junkola is interested in social power relations and the borderline between private and public. The starting point for the work were experiences of personal space in school environment that can be cruel.  However what comes across in the vid...

The fine art first years visited the Strata artworks in Pinsiö.

The project dates back to the 1980's when Pinsiö's local residents asked the artist Osmo Rauhala to help them with fixing an old gravel pit that was spoiling the landscape. Action was taken quickly, and a committee to solve the matter was created; it was the first time that in Finland, artists were directly asked to solve environmental problems. Nancy Holt and Agnes Denes were part of the committee, and last week the class visited Deneses “Tree Mountain” and Holt's “Up and Under”. Deneses work, “Tree mountain” is site specific, and it's an example of cooperative art. Some 10.600 people planted a tree, which they will own for life. It is not allowed to sell the tree; it can, however,be left as a heirloom upon death. The concept of “ownership” of a tree is a very subtle one, as the tree can never really be owned, being part of a forest and firmly rooted to its spot-the owners don't really possess the tree in a physical way, but they have a sort of moral obligation tow...