Fine Art Students Are in da House – in the Palander House
12.2. – 2.3.2015 after the sunset Address: Palanderin talo, window, the 5 th floor, Keskustori 7, Tampere At Keskustori market place in the very center of Tampere there is a house called Palanderin talo, at the 5 th floor big window the video projections of the Fine Art Students of TAMK emerge after the sunset. The four videos made as team works show people as close-up shots in their everyday life. Face is a video about the beauty of the faces of people in different ages in different situations. Seen as next to each other people seem to be in a relation with each other but both in their own world. Team: Konsta Koivisto, Isa Hedez, Jade Vesto Untitle d is a video about painting. Pink paint spreads slowly over the screen. It points out that behind the window where the video is shown used to be an artist’s studio. Team: Nicoló Arnoldi, Isa Hedez, Riina Haapakallio After watching the video called...