
Showing posts from May, 2016

Spring Sale!

May 15, 11am - 6pm.  Please remember to bring cash with you, because unfortunately we don't take “plastic money”. Facebook event Tullikamarinaukio 2, 33101 Tampere / Tullikamari Welcome! Ikuinen gallery is a contemporary art project space located in Tampere. The gallery is run by a board of fine art students in Tampere UAS School of Art and Media as part of their study program. Ikuinen gallery’s main focus is in presenting interesting and high quality student work, whereas work from other art school students and teachers as well as visiting artists are regularly also at show. Ikuinen Gallery Facebook

Thank you!

Thank you!!! Thanks to all who participated and were managing our international week at Mediapolis! It was a pleasure to follow students working, screenings, exhibitions, performances and co-creation at workshops! Also discussions, feedback sessions and seminars provided really valuable content and many new connections and networks were established. So thanks once more to our great guests, staff, participants and especially to Fanny and Anastasia! Next year we are looking forward to produce our 10 th International Week (tentative schedule 25.-28.4.2017). See you next year! Heads of Programmes, Timo Kivikangas Pertti Näränen Juha Suonpää

TAMK Art, Music and Media International Week - how it was organized

ORGANIZING THE INTERNATIONAL WEEK: Interviewing Fanni Niemi-Junkola and Anastasia Kozina  A happening just happens, right? Wrong. Most happenings, like our yearly International Week, take lots of organizing and coordinating beforehand and during the happening. Last Friday 29.4.2016, during the complimentary dinner for all IWeek contributors, I chatted with Fanni Niemi-Junkola and Anastasia Kozina , who were the main organizers for this fabulous week full of interesting programme. Fanni Niemi-Junkola, Timo Kivikangas and Anastasia Kozina at the 4 Saisons restaurant in Tampere market hall (Kauppahalli Neljä Vuodenaikaa) At the Tampere Market Hall According to Anastasia, the hardest thing in making the IWeek work was making people to actually reply to emails. For Fanni, it was challenging to crystallize the focus point of the programme, in other words to decide the final content of the week. Asparagus at the 4 Saisons Working together was also challenging at times, as it often is when...