A glimpse behind the scenes of the International Week
Now that this year’s International week is over we can only wait until next year to experience this eventful week again. The iWeek has been a long tradition in TAMK and each year it has only gotten better. We learn from previous years and aim to improve the event so that all students, visitors, participants, and teachers can enjoy it to the fullest. The first International week was organized year 2008, then named Tampere Art Factory, TAF. The idea for this type of international event came from our former Head of Degree programme and International coordinator Mr. Cai Melakoski and Head of Fine Arts, Mr. Juha Suonpää. Thanks to them and other active people from those days, TAMK Art, Music and Media is today more international than ever! -Sohvi Sirkesalo, iWeek blog 2017 The atmosphere on the Mediapolis campus has been inviting and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. The guests have especially complimented the installations, exhibitions, and performances as it’s intere...