
Finest Sounds in Music & Media 2018

The 29 th Music and Media in Tampere in October, from Thursday 4th to Friday 5 th , was a huge international event with more than 650 participants from Finland and abroad. Finest Sounds was an essential partner in the event, inviting Japanese delegation of music professionals and festival organizors and organizing three panel discussions with themes like Japan listens!, Sub-Publishing in Japan and Branded Japan. Finest Sounds University partners get together for a kick-off meeting on Wednesday evening before the event. From Tallinn University / Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School arrived a group of 15 students with professor Andres Jõesaar and project manager Ele Arder. From TAMK attended six students with lecturers Harri Karvinen and Sohvi Sirkesalo. Katja Pyykkö, student from HUMAK, took the role of coordinating all groups working with Estonian and Finnish artists. Thre...

360 Friday @ University of Tampere - Friday 12th October

Following Mindtrek 2018, the International Technology Conference (10-11th October) at Tampere Hall, the first 360 Friday event was held at the University of Tampere. Those who registered for the free side event were able to explore a number of VR, AR and 360 productions presented by representatives from the University of Tampere, Tampere University of Technology and TAMK. Attendees were welcome to enjoy some beers and snacks as the host, Juhani Linna from the University of Tampere introduced and interviewed some of the creators. Markku Turunen, professor of Interactive Technology at the university also shortly introduced TAUCHI (Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction), a ‘research center focusing on human-technology interaction’ at the Faculty of Communication Sciences. After a few talks and presentations about work processes, the guests scattered to delve into the various demos. The following productions from staff and students at Media and Arts were displayed at the event: Vir...

A trip to Iceland University of the Arts (IUA) 16.-21.10.2018

Ecological thinking and sustainability are valuable issues as part of D.P. in Media and Arts- studies, alongside e.g. emerging media, art, music and developing entrepreneurship skills. Lecturer Fanni Niemi-Junkola of fine art study path did a study trip to Iceland University of Arts in Reykjavik (IUA) to meet the students and teaching staff. IUA is situated about 5 km from the center of Reykjavik at a seaside. The university is a self-governing institution providing higher education in fine arts, theater, dance, music, design, architecture, and art education. All departments are situated in the same building. Students have their own studio spaces and there are some lab spaces, for example for sculpture, painting and AV-equipment available too. IUA offers BA and MA -level education and is part of our exchange program on BA -level. "I had a very interesting time meeting the fine art -students discussing the topics that they work on. We all took part in Olafur Eliasson (an Icelandic...

TAMK Media students at Cartoon Forum 2018

The festival venue From 9.9.2018 until 14.9.2018 I participated in Cartoon Forum  in Toulouse, France. It was a really big animation event that gathered investors, other business people, producers, animators and students together. In this forum, a lot of companies pitched their projects that were in different phases, some more finalised than others. This year Finland was the spotlight country and it was funny to see clips from Finland by e.g. Finnanimation that were shown during breakfast and lunch, on all the forum days. On Sunday, I arrived together with a few classmates in Toulouse, and rested and explored the city before the forum that started the next day. The first day of the forum, Monday, was a kind of “Welcome day”. We got welcome bags with Cartoon Forum things and had a few lectures about how to make a good pitch. The first pitch was held by Anttu Harlin , CEO/producer at  Gigglebug Entertainment . The second lecture was held by Petteri Pasanen from the animation ...

XR Challenge @ Mediapolis, 18-19th September 2018

The first XR Challenge event was held at Mediapolis on Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th September. It was organized by Business Tampere and Virtual Reality Finland in collaboration with TAMK , Business Finland and Leonidas, a local company specializing in web and mobile solutions as well as VR and AR implementation. At TAMK the people in charge of production were Jukka Holm and Timo Kivikangas . The application period for the challenge and the organization itself for the event was earlier this year in spring. Eight finalist teams were chosen from roughly 40 applicants from numerous countries who submitted their initial concepts and ideas, to present their full demos at the event. With the challenge portion itself being held on Tuesday, six teams that made it to the finals presented 10-minute pitches about their solutions to the range of judges. The jury included representatives from the three participating finnish industrial companies: Valmet , Fastems and Glaston , as well as Leon...

A glimpse behind the scenes of the International Week

Now that this year’s International week is over we can only wait until next year to experience this eventful week again. The iWeek has been a long tradition in TAMK and each year it has only gotten better. We learn from previous years and aim to improve the event so that all students, visitors, participants, and teachers can enjoy it to the fullest. The first International week was organized year 2008, then named Tampere Art Factory, TAF. The idea for this type of international event came from our former Head of Degree programme and International coordinator Mr. Cai Melakoski and Head of Fine Arts, Mr. Juha Suonpää. Thanks to them and other active people from those days, TAMK Art, Music and Media is today more international than ever! -Sohvi Sirkesalo, iWeek blog 2017   The atmosphere on the Mediapolis campus has been inviting and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. The guests have especially complimented the installations, exhibitions, and performances as it’s intere...

AVEK-lehdessä asiaa koulutuksesta

Audiovisuaalisen kulttuurin edistämiskeskuksen julkaiseman AVEK-lehden uunituore numero sisältää painavaa asiaa alan koulutuksesta. Lehdessä TAMKin käsikirjoituksen lehtori Teppo Nuutinen kertoo Metropolian ja Ylen kanssa luodusta ryhmäkäsikirjoittamisen koulutuksesta eli Virtual Writer's Roomista. VWR-konseptissa käsikirjoituksen opiskelijat kehittävät sarjadraamoja pienryhmissä työskennellen myös virtuaalisesti ZOOM-konferenssiohjelman avulla. Samalla on tutkittu etäryhmätyön etuja ja haasteita luovan työn kannalta. Ohjauksen ja käsikirjoituksen lehtorimme Arto Koskinen käy läpi pitkän Nokia Mobile -dokumenttinsa opetuksia. Innovaatioiden varassa elävä organisaatio voi tuhoutua ylimielisyyteen, liialliseen sisäiseen kilpailuun ja tehokkuuslukuja palvovaan excel-johtamiseen. Pätee epäilemättä muuallakin kuin matkapuhelinten maailmassa... Muita näkökulmia tarjoillaan mm. elokuvahistorian opetuksesta (Satu Kyösola), leikkaajasta dokumenttielokuvan  luojana (Iikka Vehkalahti) ja sii...