Finest Sounds in Music & Media 2018

The 29thMusic and Media in Tampere in October, from Thursday 4th to Friday 5th, was a huge international event with more than 650 participants from Finland and abroad. Finest Sounds was an essential partner in the event, inviting Japanese delegation of music professionals and festival organizors and organizing three panel discussions with themes like Japan listens!, Sub-Publishing in Japan and Branded Japan. 

Finest Sounds University partners get together for a kick-off meeting on Wednesday evening before the event. From Tallinn University / Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School arrived a group of 15 students with professor Andres Jõesaar and project manager Ele Arder. From TAMK attended six students with lecturers Harri Karvinen and Sohvi Sirkesalo. Katja Pyykkö, student from HUMAK, took the role of coordinating all groups working with Estonian and Finnish artists. Three teams were formed: Team Tampere, Team Tokio and Team Tallinn.

During Music & Media days all teams had the opportunity to meet managers or people from music companies of the musicians or bands. Team Tallinn even enjoyed the concert of PK Keränen & Valtteri Pöyhönen.

The teams and artists
Finest Sounds Students’ teams planning the programme and tasks for Music & Media.
Japan listens!
And students listen...
The Networking Session was a real success! The students met Japanese music professionals and they got to know each other. The seminar room was full with lively and effective face-to-face meetings.
November 13-16 in Tokio was the Hokuo Music Fest, where Nordic delegates brought Finnish and Estonian Music for Japanese music business to find Japanese audiences.

Text & photos by Sohvi Sirkesalo 2018
Photo & text edits by Carita Forsgren


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