Tampere day! Painting workshop / Maalaus paja

On the 1st of October we celebrated Tampere day in Mediapolis, along with lots of enthusiastic kids and Pikku Kakkonen characters.


Mediapolis Campus was open for the public. Many activities were there for the curious that assisted the event. Exhibitions, live music and screenings. Fine art teachers and students collaborate in the making of a painting workshop, we got to experiment and create together beautiful collective paintings with kids.


The workshop was divided in three sessions, the first painting included Katti Matikainen from Yle, more than 48 kids and their families participated together to paint every piece.


The original photos include very colourful scenarios and situations with the characters The kids were given the tools and the materials to paint. They use the photo reference in order to paint the piece. Here you will see the original image vrs. the painting.



Text and photos: Isa Hedez 


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