Elusive Matters: Pop-up exhibition

Interested in seeing what Alexandra Mitiku, Veera Nelimarkka, Elina Pasanen and Anniina Pasanen have been working on this semester? In the first months, the girls have been learning about managing an exhibition, and since April, they have had the chance to create the artworks. Come and see the results!

Last Friday they arraged a pop up –exhibition in Pyynikki’s Trikootehdas. If you didn’t have time to go see the works, fear not! The exhibition opens up again, this time at a cultural centre called Uulu, in 2.6. The exhibition opening will be held at 17-19. The exhibition will be in Uulu for three weeks, so if you cannot make it to the opening, there is a lot of time to go and visit the gallery later. Welcome!


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