Photo: Alexandra Mitiku I arrived with Lavinia on a wet Tuesday morning in Leeuwarden. We were running late for the opening of the international week at Leeuwarden and managed to get slightly lost. Eventually we stumbled into the presentation room of Minerva Academie voor Popcultuur . My first impression of the school was how liberal they were, from discussions to interior design. Also, how kind they were to offer free coffee. Photo: Fanny Niemi Junkola We were a part of the Urban Exploration Workshop. Originally we were supposed to make only installations based on the environment, but we ended up joining another workshop ‘Future City planning’ and consequently our workshop description was a fusion of planning a future Leeuwarden and making an art installation. It was an interesting twist in the program! During the two days of the workshop we interviewed strangers in the street about their ideas about their town, had interesting discussions about the history of the town and the e...
Father and Heikki from the work titled Four portraits: mother, grandmother, Heikki and father (2014) Frederiksborg Slot and The Museum of National History , Denmark Hillerød, is exhibiting Portrait Now2015! during 8.5.-31.7.2015. Hinni Huttunen has graduated as Bachelor of Fine arts from Tampere University of Applied Sciences in the spring 2014. She was awarded in the exhibition with her thesis work for Tampere University of Applied Sciences Four portraits: mother, grandmother, Heikki and father (2014) with the Young Talent Nordic -prize. The exhibition was organized this year the fifth time and there were 1346 works submitted and 129 works are now shown in the exhibition. Text & photos: Hinni Huttunen
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