Are videogames your passion? Without music you couldn’t live anymore? Do you love to paint every single moment of your life? Are you creative and want to study? Then TAMK is the perfect choice for you!

The University of Applied Sciences of Tampere is one of the most popular universities in Finland. The creative department can be found in the Mediapolis-campus which is located in the wonderful Tohloppi-area of Tampere. With the three study paths Interactive Media, Fine Arts and Music Production - all taught in English - TAMK offers international students a great opportunity to study abroad!
Mediapolis Campus. Photo by Carita Forsgren
Not sure which study path would be the right one for you? Don’t worry, within the next weeks we will introduce each path and help you to make the right choice. Stay tuned and visit this blog regularly!

For the moment these are the most important dates you should keep in mind for your application:

DECEMBER: The pre-task is published! Find it here: Pre-Task Interactive Media Pre-Task Music Production Pre-Task FineArts
JANUARY 7th: Application Period starts
Application period ends
MARCH: Invitations to Entrance Exams will be sent
APRIL: Entrance Exams at Mediapolis campus in Tampere
MAY: Results of the Entrance Exams will be published
These links are also helpful for the application: TAMK Media&Art


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