TAMK's Fanni Niemi-Junkola at the Tampere Film Festival 2017

Fanni Niemi-Junkola´s video work Henki / Breath (2016) took part in the Tampere Film Festival´s National Competition 8 in 2017.

The work was shown as a 12-minute screening version. It can be later seen as a full installation in Finlayson Art Area summer exhibition in Tampere.
Henki / Breath has been previously exhibited in Berlin, Showroom Berliini in Autumn 2016.

Fanni Niemi-Junkola works as a visual artist and as a senior lecturer in TAMK, focusing on moving image.
The film crew included a current lecturer from TAMK, cinematographer Tommi Moilanen (Media/Film & TV). 
Some former students of TAMK were also part of the production team: Jyrimatti Holm as a stedicam operator, Ville Hakonen (Wacky Tie Films) as an editor and Sanni Hujanen as a camera assistant. The music was composed by Pekko Käppi.

Henki / Breath was entered to the competition by AV-Arkki the Distribution Centre for Finnish Media Art.

Text & image:
Fanni Niemi-Junkola, MFA
Senior Lecturer / Head of Fine Art Study Path
Degree Program in Media and Arts
Tampere University of Applied Sciences  (TAMK)


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